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Mejores costos de vida en NYC

No pido que los ricos paguen por todo, pido que paguen su parte. Desde hace mucho tiempo, la Ciudad de Nueva York ha ingnorado a las familias de bajos recursos y a los individuos de ingresos fijos, dificultandoles cada vez más el poder vivir aquí. Los billonarios y multimillonarios deben ayudar al contribuir con lo que les corresponde. Ni mas, ni menos. Bajo nuestro liderazgo podemos reconstruir una Ciudad de Nueva York mucho mas justa y barata para sus ciudadanos.

The platform below is not in order of importance.

Housing for All

Housing is a basic human right and the anchor to one's life.



The DOE must ensure that every student can meet their full potential.

Universal Child Care

An affordable NYC cannot exist without access to safe and affordable child care.

Public Transportation

Our public transit system must be affordable and accessible to all.

Constituent Services

Constituent services should be exceptional and inclusive


Healthcare is a human right.


We must invest in clean energy and resilient infrastructure for economic recovery and environmental justice.​

Criminal Legal System

The criminal legal system should be as small as possible.

Immigrant Rights

Our immigrant community is traumatized and hurting. We need expanded pathways to citizenship.

Marijuana Legalization

The legalization of marijuana in New York State is inevitable. We need to be ready.


Seniors are an invaluable part of our community.



Animal Rights

We have a moral duty to care for all living creatures and treat them with dignity.

Police Reform

We must heal the relationship between the police and the people.

Universal Basic Income

We must eradicate poverty. UBI is a step in the right direction.

Food Justice

One hungry New Yorker is one too many. We must end hunger for all New Yorkers.

Small Business

Small businesses are the lifeblood of our city.

Disabled Community

The disabled community should be seen, heard, and lifted up.

Gun Safety

Gun violence is a public health crisis.

Child Welfare System

Early identification of issues that lead to child abuse & neglect are essential to keeping families together.

Economic Development

We need to rebuild better for all. We need to focus on the businesses that were hit the hardest.


We must address the needs of our veterans.


The LGBTQ community should be protected, valued, and lifted up.

Arts & Culture

Arts & culture make NYC the beautiful city it is. We must  bring them back, better and stronger than ever.


Investing in our youth is investing in our future.

Public Safety

Everyone deserves to be safe.

Digital Equity

Universal access to Internet, digital devices, and digital skills should be a right, not a privilege.

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